2019 Lancaster County Drug & Alcohol Treatment Directory
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Avoiding Surprises in Your Medical Bills - A Guide for Consumers
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Affordable Care Act Information Returns (AIR)
The IRS Publication 5165, Guide for Electronically Filing Affordable Care Act (ACA) Information Returns.
Click Here to View
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: What Employers Need to Know
Change Direction Workplace Toolkit
Click Here to View
COVID-19 Updates and Webinars
Working Remotely During Covid-19 - Your Mental Health and Well Being
Ask the Attorney: Coronavirus Webinar - 3/18/2020
3.25.20 Coronavirus Webinar Part 2
3.31.20 Coronavirus and its Legislative Impacts
4.16.20 The Corona Virus and It’s Impact on our Mental Health
5.1.20 The Provider Perspective on the Corona Virus and What is Next
Introducing FAIR Health
Fairhealthconsumer.org is an award-winning, national consumer website maintained by FAIR Health, an independent nonprofit dedicated to providing healthcare cost and health insurance transparency. Also available in Spanish (
fairhealthconsumidor.org), FAIR Health’s consumer tool can be used to estimate and manage your out-of-pocket healthcare costs for thousands of medical and dental procedures, as well as cost bundles for “episodes of care” such as diabetes or hip surgery. The website also offers key informational resources such as
educational articles, videos and glossaries that help consumers understand health insurance and healthcare quality.
FAIR Health possesses the nation’s largest collection of private healthcare claims data, which includes over 26 billion claim records contributed by payors and administrators who insure or process claims for private insurance plans covering more than 150 million individuals. As a Qualified Entity, FAIR Health also holds all Medicare Parts A, B and D claims from 2013 to the present.
In addition to the consumer website, FAIR Health offers a number of analytic resources, such as
States by the Numbers, a heat map depicting percentage of opioid abuse and dependence claims by state, and a number of
white papers, including a
recent publication on the opioid crisis.
To learn more about FAIR Health,
click here.
Health Promotion Council
CDC Prediabetes Screening Test
The Make A Choice Campaign
Summary of HPC Diabetes Work Across the State

Lancaster County Joining Forces
Lancaster County Joining Forces is a collection of organizations and individuals who want to save lives and help our neighbors who are struggling with addiction. A partnership between community groups, coalitions, and tasks forces, Joining Forces will work together to strategically impact the number of deaths from opioid addiction in Lancaster County. The Joining Forces Coalition unifies and strengthens the fine work we are doing separately, while also allowing us to identify gaps in services and treatments so we can save more lives together.
Lancaster County Joining Forces

Guide For Identifying & Managing Mental Health At Work
A quick guide for healthcare professionals.
4 F's of Identifying & Managing Mental Health at Work

MerckEngage is a free resource that supports your choices for healthier living. MerckEngage has a range of offerings to help you take steps toward better health, including: Help with managing health conditions, ideas for healthier eating, suggestions to help you become more active, and ways to better communicate with your health care professional. For more information, and to add MerckEngage to your company website, contact Jonathan Ijaz.

The Pennyslvania Department of Health:
The Pennsylvania department of Health provides a general overview of numerous diseases and condition. Each individual disease link includes a variety of related resources, risk factors and symptoms.
Click Here to View.
Chronic Diseases:
1) Asthma:
The American Lung Association
2) Diabetes:
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention probes employers to act immediately on preventing type -2 diabetes. It highlights the expenses associated with the disease and stresses the importance on developing a plan to initiate change. As well as provides additional information on the basics of the disease.
National Diabetes Prevention Program
3) Heart Disease
4) Cancer
Colorectal Cancer: Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women in the United States. Provided, by Live Healthy PA, is a toolkit which educates employers with the necessary tools to improve the lives of their employees and reduce the financial risk associated with colorectal cancer.
Click here to access the toolkit
Free Mammograms and Pap Tests
Smoking Cessation:
Resources to help quit

South Central PA Opioid Awareness Coalition:
A united front in the war against opioid and heroin abuse.
South Central PA Opioid Awareness Coalition:

Why Weight?
A guide to discussing obesity & health with your patients
Why Weight?
Worksite Wellness
LiveHealthyPA – employer worksite wellness
It’s imperative to keep employees healthy in order for them to work to their best of their abilities. When employers implement workplace health programs, and increase in employees’ health and productivity is evident. Live HealthyPA provides a series of worksite wellness programs to help employers provide employees with optimal working conditions. These programs will not only improve employees’ health, but also reduce potential financial loss due to direct or indirect costs.
Pennsylvania Department on Health – Quality Assurance Facility Directory
Specifies medical facilities by type and county. Provides one with quick access on contact information and location of the health care facilities of the desired type and or location.
Mental Health
Mental & Physical:
The YMCA’s goal is to improve individuals’ health by providing them with programs to reduce the risk of chronic disease, better cope with chronic conditions and or regain wellness after illness. With something for everyone all ages are able to participate in a program. Click here to learn more
With the continuous increase in health care costs, Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council ensures the quality of health care, and increases access for all citizens regardless of their socioeconomic background. Click here to learn more
Weight Management
NOTE: If you are interested in adding a service to the Central Penn Business Group on Health website please e-mail Leslie Wireback